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The OMCI standard is defined in a way that suppliers can offer modular and incremental functionality to meet different levels of customer needs.

The standards 1 and 2 define the protocol needed to handle all the features of the PON specifications (3, 4, 5, …), as well as a number of services and functionalities. The standard was born with B-PON, then modified with G-PON and separated with XGS-PON. OMCI supports interoperability, yet it allows for optional components and future extensions.

A protocol-independent MIB (Management Information Base) describes the exchange of information across OMCI 1 and 2. This protocol is defined in terms of MEs. MEs are abstract representations of resources and services in an ONU. Only a small subset of the list of MEs is mandatory.

The existence of other MEs depends on the architecture and feature set supported by the vendor 1 and 2. Major ISPs and vendors have created their own extensions for MIBs 6, 7.

Each MEs consists of an entry ID and zero, one or more instances. Each instance has its own ID, usually starting at 0, but this is not always the case. Every instance has one or more attributes, each characterised by and ID, size and content.

The various MEs are often interrelated. Clause 8.2 of 1 and 2 shows the relationship graphs between the various MEs. Clause 9 of 1 and 2 describes how the various MEs are created. There are formally 2 modes: a managed entity which is auto-instantiated by the ONT or a managed entity which is instantiated on explicit request by the OLT. In each of the 2 cases the various MEs can be: (R), (W). Only for ME auto-instantiated by the ONT there is also (R, W) while only for ME auto-instantiated by the OLT there are also (R, Set-by-create), (W, Set-by-create), or (R, W, Set-by-create).

Mode Description 2
(R) On instantiation of the managed entity (either autonomously or on request of the OLT via a create action), the ONT sets the attribute to a default value. The OLT can only read the value of the attribute. In case of an autonomous attribute value change, the ONT will send an attribute value change notification to the OLT.
(W) On instantiation of the managed entity (either autonomously or on request of the OLT via a create action), the ONT sets the attribute to a default value. The OLT can only write the value of the attribute. In case of an autonomous attribute value change, the ONT will NOT send an attribute value change notification to the OLT.
(R, W) On instantiation of the managed entity (either autonomously or on request of the OLT via a create action), the ONT sets the attribute to a default value. The OLT can both read and write the value of the attribute. In case of an autonomous attribute value change, the ONT will send an attribute value change notification to the OLT.
(R, Set-by-create) On instantiation of the managed entity (by necessity on request of the OLT via a create action), the ONT sets the attribute to the value specified in the create command. Subsequently, the OLT can only read the value of the attribute. In case of an autonomous attribute value change, the ONT will send an attribute value change notification to the OLT.
(W, Set-by-create) On instantiation of the managed entity (by necessity on request of the OLT via a create action), the ONT sets the attribute to the value specified in the create command. Subsequently, the OLT can only write the value of the attribute. In case of an autonomous attribute value change, the ONT will NOT send an attribute value change notification to the OLT.
(R, W, Set-by-create) On instantiation of the managed entity (by necessity on request of the OLT via a create action), the ONT sets the attribute to the value specified in the create command. Subsequently, the OLT can both read and write the value of the attribute. In case of an autonomous attribute value change, the ONT will send an attribute value change notification to the OLT.

The following table is the result of combining the various tables in Table 8-1, Table 11-2 of 2, Table 8-1, Table 11.2.4-1 of 1, Table 1 of 6, Table B1 of 7.

The new ME introduced in G.988 1 do not have a description because G.988 abolished a summary description. In the corresponding ITU Clauses, all attrubits are described, and their purpose.

Managed entity ID Managed entity Description G.9842 Clause G.9842 Clause G.9881 AT&T Open OMCI6 Verizon Open OMCI7 Required/optional G.9842 Mandatory G.9874, G.9807.15 Mandatory G.9891 Mandatory G.9861 Mandatory IEEE 802.3, 802.3av1
1 ONT8                    
2 ONU data Used for OMCI MIB management 9.1.3 9.1.3 5.1.3 M R M M M M
3 PON IF line cardholder                    
4 PON IF line card                    
5 Cardholder Used for a circuit pack plug-in slot. Can also represent a virtual cardholder to distinguish types of ports in an integrated ONT 9.1.5 9.1.5 5.1.5 M CR M M   M
6 Circuit pack Used for a plug-in circuit pack module. Can also represent a virtual circuit pack to distinguish types of ports in an integrated ONT 9.1.6 9.1.6 5.1.6 M CR        
7 Software image Used for the software image of the ONT or its components that contain independently manageable software 9.1.4 9.1.4 5.1.4 M R M M   M
8 UNI8                    
9 TC Adapter8                    
10 Physical path termination point ATM UNI                    
11 Physical path termination point Ethernet UNI Used for physical path termination point at the Ethernet UNI 9.5.1 9.5.1 5.5.1 M CR     M  
12 Physical path termination point CES UNI Used for physical path termination point at the CES UNI 9.8.1 9.8.1   No CR        
13 Logical N × 64 kbit/s sub - port connection termination point (CTP) Used as logical interface for structured CES 9.8.2 9.8.2   No CR        
14 Interworking VCC termination point Used for DSL ATM mode interworking 9.13.4 9.13.4   No CR        
15 AAL 1 profile8                    
16 AAL 5 profile Used for DSL ATM mode interworking 9.13.5 9.13.5   No CR       N/A
17 AAL 1 protocol monitoring history data8                    
18 AAL 5 performance monitoring history data Used for DSL ATM mode interworking 9.13.6 9.13.6   No CR       N/A
19 AAL 2 profile                    
20 (Intentionally left blank)                    
21 (NOTE – In 2 this was called CES service profile-G) Used for CES services supported by the ONT 9.8.3 9.8.3   No CR        
22 (Reserved)                    
23 CES physical interface performance monitoring history data Used for CES interface performance monitoring 9.8.4 9.8.4   No O        
24 Ethernet performance monitoring history data Used for Ethernet interface performance monitoring 9.5.2 9.5.2 5.5.2 M O        
25 VP network CTP8                    
26 ATM VP cross-connection                    
27 Priority queue8                    
28 DBR/CBR traffic descriptor                    
29 UBR traffic descriptor                    
30 SBR1/VBR1 traffic descriptor                    
31 SBR2/VBR2 traffic descriptor                    
32 SBR3/VBR3 traffic descriptor                    
33 ABR traffic descriptor                    
34 GFR traffic descriptor                    
35 ABT/DT/IT traffic descriptor                    
36 UPC disagreement monitoring history data8                    
37 (Intentionally left blank)                    
38 ANI 8                    
39 PON TC adapter                    
40 PON physical path termination point                    
41 TC adapter protocol monitoring history data                    
42 Threshold data8                    
43 Operator specific                    
44 Vendor specific                    
45 MAC bridge service profile Used for MAC bridge supported by the ONT 9.3.1 9.3.1 5.3.1 M CR        
46 MAC bridge configuration data Used for MAC bridge supported by the ONT 9.3.2 9.3.2   M CR        
47 MAC bridge port configuration data Used to organize and record data associated with a bridge port 9.3.4 9.3.4 5.3.2 M CR        
48 MAC bridge port designation data Used for MAC bridge supported by the ONT 9.3.5 9.3.5   No CR        
49 MAC bridge port filter table data Used for MAC bridge supported by the ONT 9.3.6 9.3.6   M CR        
50 MAC bridge port bridge table data Used for MAC bridge supported by the ONT 9.3.8 9.3.8   M CR        
51 MAC bridge performance monitoring history data Used for MAC bridge performance monitoring 9.3.3 9.3.3   M O        
52 MAC bridge port performance monitoring history data Used for MAC bridge port performance monitoring 9.3.9 9.3.9   M O        
53 Physical path termination point POTS UNI Used for physical path trail termination point at the POTS UNI 9.9.1 9.9.1 5.9.1 M CR        
54 Voice CTP                    
55 Voice PM history data                    
56 AAL2 PVC profile8                    
57 AAL2 CPS protocol monitoring history data8                    
58 Voice service profile Used for voice 9.9.6 9.9.6 5.9.6 No CR        
59 LES service profile                    
60 AAL2 SSCS parameter profile1                    
61 AAL2 SSCS parameter profile2                    
62 VP performance monitoring history data Used for DSL ATM mode interworking 9.13.10 9.13.10   No CR        
63 Traffic scheduler8                    
64 T-CONT buffer                    
65 UBR+ traffic descriptor                    
66 AAL2 SSCS protocol monitoring history data8                    
67 IP port configuration data Used for IP port supported by the ONT 9.4.3 n/a   M CR        
68 IP router service profile Used for IP router supported by the ONT 9.4.1 n/a   M CR        
69 IP router configuration data Used for IP router supported by the ONT 9.4.2 n/a   M CR        
70 IP router performance monitoring history data 1 Used for IP router performance monitoring 9.4.6 n/a     O        
71 IP router performance monitoring history data 2 Used for IP router performance monitoring 9.4.7 n/a     O        
72 ICMP performance monitoring history data 1 Used for ICMP performance monitoring 9.4.8 n/a     O        
73 ICMP performance monitoring history data 2 Used for ICMP performance monitoring 9.4.9 n/a     O        
74 IP route table Used for IP router supported by the ONT 9.4.4 n/a   M CR        
75 IP static routes Used for IP router supported by the ONT 9.4.5 n/a   M CR        
76 ARP service profile Used for IP port supported by the ONT 9.4.10 n/a     CR        
77 ARP configuration data Used for IP port supported by the ONT 9.4.11 n/a     CR        
78 VLAN tagging operation configuration data   9.3.12 9.3.12   No          
79 MAC bridge port filter pre - assign table Used for Ethernet type filtering 9.3.7 9.3.7   M O        
80 Physical path termination point ISDN UNI Used for ISDN port supported by the ONT 9.9.21 n/a   No O        
81 (Reserved)                    
82 Physical path termination point video UNI Used for electrical video output port 9.13.1 9.13.1   No O        
83 Physical path termination point LCT UNI Used for local craft terminal port 9.13.3 9.13.3   No O        
84 VLAN tagging filter data Used for VLAN tagging 9.3.11 9.3.11 5.3.4 M O        
85 ONU8                    
86 ATM VC cross-connection                    
87 VC network CTP8                    
88 VC PM history data                    
89 Ethernet performance monitoring history data 2 Used for Ethernet performance monitoring 9.5.3 9.5.3   No O        
90 Physical path termination point video ANI Used for optical RF video input port 9.13.2 9.13.2   No O        
91 Physical path termination point IEEE 802.11 UNI Used for 802.11 interface supported by the ONT 9.6.1 n/a     CR        
92 IEEE 802.11 station management data 1 Used for 802.11 interface supported by the ONT 9.6.2 n/a     CR        
93 IEEE 802.11 station management data 2 Used for 802.11 interface supported by the ONT 9.6.3 n/a     CR        
94 IEEE 802.11 general purpose object Used for 802.11 interface supported by the ONT 9.6.4 n/a     CR        
95 IEEE 802.11 MAC and PHY operation and antenna data Used for 802.11 interface supported by the ONT 9.6.5 n/a     CR        
96 IEEE 802.11 performance monitoring history data Used for 802.11 interface supported by the ONT 9.6.7 n/a     O        
97 IEEE 802.11 PHY FHSS DSSS IR tables Used for 802.11 interface supported by the ONT 9.6.6 n/a     CR        
98 Physical path termination point xDSL UNI part 1 Used for the physical path termination point at an xDSL CO modem 9.7.1 9.7.1   No CR        
99 Physical path termination point xDSL UNI part 2 Used for the physical path termination point at an xDSL CO modem 9.7.2 9.7.2   No CR        
100 xDSL line inventory and status data part 1   9.7.12 9.7.12   No          
101 xDSL line inventory and status data part 2 Contains inventory and status information on an xDSL line 9.7.13 9.7.13   No CR        
102 xDSL channel downstream status data Contains status on a downstream xDSL channel 9.7.19 9.7.19   No CR        
103 xDSL channel upstream status data Contains status on an upstream xDSL channel 9.7.20 9.7.20   No CR        
104 xDSL line configuration profile part 1 Contains line parameters for an xDSL line 9.7.3 9.7.3   No CR        
105 xDSL line configuration profile part 2 Contains line parameters for an xDSL line 9.7.4 9.7.4   No CR        
106 xDSL line configuration profile part 3 Contains line parameters for an xDSL line 9.7.5 9.7.5   No CR        
107 xDSL channel configuration profile Contains configuration for an xDSL channel 9.7.7 9.7.7   No CR        
108 xDSL subcarrier masking downstream profile Contains masking information for the downstream subcarriers 9.7.8 9.7.8   No CR        
109 xDSL subcarrier masking upstream profile Contains masking information for the upstream subcarriers 9.7.9 9.7.9   No CR        
110 xDSL PSD mask profile Contains PSD masking information 9.7.10 9.7.10   No CR        
111 xDSL downstream radio frequency interference (RFI) bands profile Contains information on the downstream RFI bands 9.7.11 9.7.11   No CR        
112 xDSL xTU-C performance monitoring history data Performance monitoring data for an xDSL xTU-C modem path 9.7.21 9.7.21   No O        
113 xDSL xTU-R performance monitoring history data Performance monitoring data for an xDSL xTU-R modem path 9.7.22 9.7.22   No O        
114 xDSL xTU-C channel performance monitoring history data Performance monitoring data for an xDSL xTU-C channel 9.7.23 9.7.23   No O        
115 xDSL xTU-R channel performance monitoring history data Performance monitoring data for an xDSL xTU-R channel 9.7.24 9.7.24   No O        
116 TC adaptor performance monitoring history data xDSL Performance monitoring data for the xDSL ATM data path 9.7.25 9.7.25   No O        
117 Physical path termination point VDSL UNI (ITU-T G.993.1 VDSL1)                    
118 VDSL VTU-O physical data                    
119 VDSL VTU-R physical data                    
120 VDSL channel data                    
121 VDSL line configuration profile                    
122 VDSL channel configuration profile                    
123 VDSL band plan configuration profile                    
124 VDSL VTU-O physical interface monitoring history data                    
125 VDSL VTU-R physical interface monitoring history data                    
126 VDSL VTU-O channel performance monitoring history data                    
127 VDSL VTU-R channel performance monitoring history data                    
128 Video return path service profile Used for video return path management 9.13.7 n/a     CR        
129 Video return path performance monitoring history data Used for video return path management 9.13.8 n/a     CR        
130 IEEE 802.1p mapper service profile Used for 802.1p priority Ethernet UNI 9.3.10 9.3.10 5.3.3 M CR        
131 OLT-G Used for OLT identification for interoperability facilitation 9.12.2 9.12.2 5.12.2 M O        
132 Multicast interworking VCC termination point                    
133 ONU power shedding Used to control the power shedding service 9.1.7 9.1.7 5.1.7 M CR        
134 IP host config data Used to define the Internet protocol service that may be used with a MAC bridge port. Member of IPHostData group 9.4.12 9.4.1 5.4.1   CR        
135 IP host performance monitoring history data Used to hold PM counters and alarms for the IP host. Member of IPHostData group 9.4.13 9.4.2 5.4.2   O        
136 TCP/UDP config data Used for the TCP or UDP configuration for a TCP/UDP service. Member of IPHostData group 9.4.14 9.4.3 5.4.3   CR        
137 Network address Used to bind a network address (URI, IP address) to its associated security method. Member of IPHostData group 9.12.3 9.12.3 5.12.3 M CR        
138 VoIP config data Used to discover VoIP signalling protocols supported and select a VoIP signalling to use. Also used to select a VoIP configuration method. Member of VoIPData group 9.9.18 9.9.18 5.9.12 M CR        
139 VoIP voice CTP Used for VoIP voice channel termination point. Member of VoIPData group 9.9.4 9.9.4 5.9.4 No CR        
140 Call control performance monitoring history data Used for call control performance monitoring history. Member of VoIPData group 9.9.12 9.9.12   M O        
141 VoIP line status Used for VoIP line status that relates to a POTS port. Member of VoIPData group 9.9.11 9.9.11   M O        
142 VoIP media profile Used to define codec and other media selection criteria. Member of VoIPData group 9.9.5 9.9.5 5.9.5 No CR        
143 RTP profile data Used for RTP configuration for VoIP service 9.9.7 9.9.7 5.9.7 No CR        
144 RTP performance monitoring history data Used to hold the last completed 15 minutes interval PM data for RTP. Member of VoIPData group 9.9.13 9.9.13   M O        
145 Network dial plan table Used to support network-defined dial plans. Member of VoIPData group 9.9.10 9.9.10   No O        
146 VoIP application service profile Used for VoIP calling feature services. Member of VoIPData group 9.9.8 9.9.8   No O        
147 VoIP feature access codes Used to define feature access codes for a POTS port. Member of VoIPData group 9.9.9 9.9.9   No O        
148 Authentication security method Used for the user id/password configuration to associate an IP session between the client and destination server 9.12.4 9.12.4 5.12.4 M O        
149 SIP config portal Used to view SIP configuration when the IP path is being used to manage SIP. Member of SIPrelatedData group 9.9.19 9.9.19   M CR        
150 SIP agent config data Used to define a VoIP SIP agent configuration. Member of SIPrelatedData group 9.9.3 9.9.3 5.9.3 No CR        
151 SIP agent performance monitoring history data Used for statistics for the VoIP SIP agent. Member of SIPrelatedData group 9.9.14 9.9.14 5.9.8 M O        
152 SIP call initiation performance monitoring history data Used for statistics for the VoIP SIP agent. Member of SIPrelatedData group 9.9.15 9.9.15 5.9.9 M O        
153 SIP user data Used for user (subscriber) specific SIP data. Member of SIPrelatedData group 9.9.2 9.9.2 5.9.2 No CR        
154 MGC config portal Used to view H.248 configuration when the IP path is being used to manage H.248. Member of H248relatedData group 9.9.20 9.9.20   M CR        
155 MGC config data Used for configuration data associated with an MGC client. Member of H248relatedData group 9.9.16 9.9.16 5.9.10 M CR        
156 MGC performance monitoring history data Used for run-time attributes and statistics associated with an active MGC client. Member of H248relatedData group 9.9.17 9.9.17 5.9.11 M O        
157 Large string Used to hold a character string larger than 25 bytes and up to 375 bytes 9.12.5 9.12.5 5.12.5 M CR        
158 ONU remote debug Used to allow remote debugging of an ONT 9.1.12 9.1.12 5.1.8 M CR        
159 Equipment protection profile Defines equipment protection groups 9.1.11 9.1.11   M CR        
160 Equipment extension package Used for additional attributes that may be associated with an ONT or cardholder 9.1.9 9.1.9   No O        
161 Port-mapping package8 (use 297 for G-PON)                    
162 Physical path termination point MoCA UNI Used for the physical path termination point for MoCA interfaces 9.10.1 9.10.1   No CR        
163 MoCA Ethernet performance monitoring history data Performance monitoring data for the Ethernet layer on the MoCA interface 9.10.2 9.10.2   No O        
164 MoCA interface performance monitoring history data Performance monitoring data for the physical layer on the MoCA interface 9.10.3 9.10.3   No O        
165 VDSL2 line configuration extensions Contains xDSL attributes unique to VDSL2 (G.993.2) 9.7.6 9.7.6   No CR        
166 xDSL line inventory and status data part 3 Contains additional test and status attributes for xDSL lines 9.7.14 9.7.14   No CR        
167 xDSL line inventory and status data part 4 Contains additional test and status attributes for xDSL lines 9.7.15 9.7.15   No CR        
168 VDSL2 line inventory and status data part 1 Contains additional test and status attributes for xDSL lines, specifically, extensions for VDSL2 9.7.16 9.7.16   No CR        
169 VDSL2 line inventory and status data part 2 Contains additional test and status attributes for xDSL lines, specifically, extensions for VDSL2 9.7.17 9.7.17   No CR        
170 VDSL2 line inventory and status data part 3 Contains additional test and status attributes for xDSL lines, specifically, extensions for VDSL2 9.7.18 9.7.18   No CR        
171 Extended VLAN tagging operation configuration data Contains configuration parameters for enhanced VLAN operations, including adding, removing and changing multiple tags 9.3.13 9.3.13 5.3.5 M CR        
172-239 Reserved for future 8 managed entities                    
240-255 Reserved for vendor-specific managed entities                    
256 ONU-G (NOTE – In 2 this was called ONT-G) Used for ONT equipment management 9.1.1 9.1.2 5.1.1 M R M M   M
257 ONU2-G (NOTE – In 2 this was called ONT2-G) Used for ONT equipment management 9.1.2 9.1.1 5.1.2 M R M M   M
258 ONU-G (deprecated – note that the name is re-used for code point 256)                    
259 ONU2-G (deprecated – note that the name is re-used for code point 257)                    
260 PON IF line card-G                    
261 PON TC adapter-G                    
262 T-CONT Used for DBA 9.2.2 9.2.2 5.2.2 M R M M   M
263 ANI-G Used for ANI management 9.2.1 9.2.1 5.2.1 M R M M   M
264 UNI-G Used for user network interface for GEM service 9.12.1 9.12.1 5.12.1 M CR        
265 ATM interworking VCC termination point                    
266 GEM interworking termination point Used for non-ATM UNIs and GEM-based connections 9.2.4 9.2.4 5.2.4 M CR M M   M/E
267 GEM port performance monitoring history data (obsolete) Used for GEM port performance monitoring 9.2.6 n/a     O        
268 GEM port network CTP Used for GEM port termination 9.2.3 9.2.3 5.2.3 M CR M M   M/E
269 VP network CTP (NOTE – In 2 this was called VP network CTP-G) Used for DSL ATM mode interworking 9.13.9 9.13.9   No CR        
270 VC network CTP-G                    
271 GAL TDM profile (deprecated) Used when the ONT supports GAL TDM 9.2.9 n/a   M O        
272 GAL Ethernet profile Used when the ONT supports GAL Ethernet 9.2.7 9.2.7 5.2.6 M O       N/A
273 Threshold data 1 Used for PM threshold values 9.12.6 9.12.6 5.12.6 M CR        
274 Threshold data 2 Used for PM threshold values 9.12.7 9.12.7 5.12.7 M CR        
275 GAL TDM performance monitoring history data (deprecated) Used when GAL TDM layer performance monitoring is supported 9.2.10 n/a   M O        
276 GAL Ethernet performance monitoring history data Used when GAL Ethernet layer performance monitoring is supported 9.2.8 9.2.8   M O       N/A
277 Priority queue (NOTE – In 2 this was called Priority queue-G) Used for ONTs that support priority queues to multiplex ATM or GEM traffic flows 9.11.1 9.2.10 5.2.8   CR        
278 Traffic scheduler (NOTE – In 2 this was called Traffic scheduler-G) Used for DBA 9.11.2 9.2.11 5.2.9   CR        
279 Protection data Used for PON protection 9.1.10 9.1.10   M CR        
280 Traffic descriptor (NOTE – In 2 this was called GEM traffic descriptor) Used for GEM-based connections 9.11.3 9.2.12 5.2.10   CR        
281 Multicast GEM interworking termination point Used to manage multicasting support for GEM connection 9.2.5 9.2.5 5.2.5 M CR        
282 Pseudowire termination point Used when the ONT supports the pseudowire function 9.8.5 9.8.5   No CR        
283 RTP pseudowire parameters Used when the ONT supports the pseudowire function 9.8.6 9.8.6   No CR        
284 Pseudowire maintenance profile Used when the ONT supports the pseudowire function 9.8.7 9.8.7   No CR        
285 Pseudowire performance monitoring history data Used when the ONT supports the pseudowire function 9.8.8 9.8.8   No CR        
286 Ethernet flow termination point Used when the ONT supports the pseudowire function over layer 2 9.8.9 9.8.9   No CR        
287 OMCI Used when OMCI self-description is supported 9.12.8 9.12.8 5.12.8 No CR        
288 Managed entity Used when OMCI self-description is supported 9.12.9 9.12.9   No CR        
289 Attribute Used when OMCI self-description is supported 9.12.10 9.12.10   No CR        
290 Dot1X port extension package Used for 802.1X control 9.3.14 9.3.14 5.3.6 No CR        
291 Dot1X configuration profile Used for 802.1X control 9.3.15 9.3.15   No CR        
292 Dot1X performance monitoring history data Used for 802.1X control 9.3.16 9.3.16   No CR        
293 Radius performance monitoring history data Used for 802.1X radius client PM 9.3.17 9.3.17   No CR        
294 TU CTP Organizes data that describes the VC path adaptation processing functions of the ONT for SDH services 9.8.10 n/a     CR        
295 TU performance monitoring history data Performance monitoring data collected as a result of TU connection monitoring 9.8.11 n/a     O        
296 Ethernet performance monitoring history data 3 Used for Ethernet performance monitoring (RMON) 9.5.4 9.5.4   No O        
297 Port-mapping package (NOTE – In 2 this was called Port mapping package-G) Used to map heterogeneous ports to an equipment entity 9.1.8 9.1.8   M O        
298 Dot1 rate limiter Provides for limiting and policing upstream traffic 9.3.18 9.3.18   M CR        
299 Dot1ag maintenance domain Supports 802.1ag configuration fault management 9.3.19 9.3.19 5.3.7 M O        
300 Dot1ag maintenance association Supports 802.1ag configuration fault management 9.3.20 9.3.20 5.3.8 M O        
301 Dot1ag default MD level Supports 802.1ag configuration fault management 9.3.21 9.3.21   M O        
302 Dot1ag MEP Supports 802.1ag configuration fault management 9.3.22 9.3.22 5.3.9 M O        
303 Dot1ag MEP status Supports 802.1ag configuration fault management 9.3.23 9.3.23   M O        
304 Dot1ag MEP CCM database Supports 802.1ag configuration fault management 9.3.24 9.3.24   M O        
305 Dot1ag CFM stack Supports 802.1ag configuration fault management 9.3.25 9.3.25 5.3.10 M O        
306 Dot1ag chassis - management info Supports 802.1ag configuration fault management 9.3.26 9.3.26   M O        
307 Octet string Allows for strings of up to 375 arbitrary octet values 9.12.11 9.12.11   M O        
308 General purpose buffer Used to return large blocks of data; structure defined with each specific application 9.12.12 9.12.12   M O        
309 Multicast operations profile Used to manage multicast at the ONT 9.3.27 9.3.27 5.3.11 M CR        
310 Multicast subscriber config info Used to manage multicast at the ONT 9.3.28 9.3.28 5.3.12 M CR        
311 Multicast subscriber monitor Used to manage multicast at the ONT 9.3.29 9.3.29   M O        
312 FEC performance monitoring history data Performance monitoring data for FEC on an ANI-G 9.2.11 9.2.9 5.2.7 M O        
313 RE ANI-G   n/a 9.14.1              
314 Physical path termination point RE UNI   n/a 9.14.2              
315 RE upstream amplifier   n/a 9.14.3              
316 RE downstream amplifier   n/a 9.14.4              
317 RE config portal   n/a 9.14.5              
318 File transfer controller   n/a 9.12.13              
319 CES physical interface performance monitoring history data 2   n/a 9.8.12              
319 CES physical interface performance monitoring history data 2   n/a 9.8.12              
320 CES physical interface performance monitoring history data 3   n/a 9.8.13              
321 Ethernet frame performance monitoring history data downstream   n/a 9.3.31 5.3.13            
322 Ethernet frame performance monitoring history data upstream   n/a 9.3.30 5.3.14            
323 VDSL2 line configuration extensions 2   n/a 9.7.26              
324 xDSL impulse noise monitor performance monitoring history data   n/a 9.7.27              
325 xDSL line inventory and status data part 5   n/a 9.7.28              
326 xDSL line inventory and status data part 6   n/a 9.7.29              
327 xDSL line inventory and status data part 7   n/a 9.7.30              
328 RE common amplifier parameters   n/a 9.14.6              
329 Virtual Ethernet interface point   n/a 9.5.5 5.5.3            
330 Generic status portal   n/a 9.12.14              
331 ONU-E   n/a 9.1.13           M N/A
332 Enhanced security control   n/a 9.13.11 5.13.1            
333 MPLS pseudowire termination point   n/a 9.8.14 5.13.1            
334 Ethernet frame extended PM   n/a 9.3.32       9.3.34      
335 Simple network management protocol (SNMP) configuration data   n/a 9.12.15 5.12.9            
336 ONU dynamic power management control   n/a 9.1.14 5.1.9            
337 PW ATM configuration data   n/a 9.8.15              
338 PW ATM performance monitoring history data   n/a 9.8.16              
339 PW Ethernet configuration data   n/a 9.8.17              
340 BBF TR-069 management server   n/a 9.12.16 5.12.10            
341 GEM port network CTP performance monitoring history data   n/a 9.2.13 5.2.11           N/A
342 TCP/UDP performance monitoring history data   n/a 9.4.4              
343 Energy consumption performance monitoring history data   n/a 9.2.14              
344 XG-PON TC performance monitoring history data   n/a 9.2.15 5.2.12            
345 XG-PON downstream management performance monitoring history data   n/a 9.2.16 5.2.13            
346 XG-PON upstream management performance monitoring history data   n/a 9.2.17 5.2.14            
347 IPv6 host config data   n/a 9.4.5              
348 MAC bridge port ICMPv6 process pre-assign table   n/a 9.3.33              
349 Power over Ethernet (PoE) control   n/a 9.5.6 5.5.4            
400 Ethernet pseudowire parameters   n/a 9.8.18              
401 Physical path termination point RS232/RS485 UNI   n/a 9.15.1              
402 RS232/RS485 port operation configuration data   n/a 9.15.3              
403 RS232/RS485 performance monitoring history data   n/a 9.15.2              
404 L2 multicast GEM interworking termination point   n/a 9.2.18              
405 ANI-E   n/a 9.2.19             M
406 EPON downstream performance monitoring configuration   n/a 9.2.20              
407 SIP agent config data 2   n/a 9.9.21              
408 xDSL xTU-C performance monitoring history data part 2   n/a 9.7.31              
409 PTM performance monitoring history data xDSL   n/a 9.7.32              
410 VDSL2 line configuration extensions 3   n/a 9.7.33              
411 Vectoring line configuration extensions   n/a 9.7.34              
412 xDSL channel configuration profile part 2   n/a 9.7.35              
413 xTU data gathering configuration   n/a 9.7.36              
414 xDSL line inventory and status data part 8   n/a 9.7.37              
415 VDSL2 line inventory and status data part 4   n/a 9.7.38              
416 Vectoring line inventory and status data   n/a 9.7.39              
417 Data gathering line test, diagnostic and status   n/a 9.7.40              
419 EFM bonding group   n/a 9.7.41              
420 EFM bonding link   n/a 9.7.42              
421 EFM bonding group performance monitoring history data   n/a 9.7.43              
422 EFM bonding group performance monitoring history data part 2   n/a 9.7.44              
423 EFM bonding link performance monitoring history data   n/a 9.7.45              
424 EFM bonding port performance monitoring history data   n/a 9.7.46              
425 EFM bonding port performance monitoring history data part 2   n/a 9.7.47              
426 Ethernet frame extended PM 64 bit   n/a 9.3.34              
427 Physical path termination point xDSL UNI part 3   n/a 9.7.48              
428 FAST line configuration profile part 1   n/a 9.7.49              
429 FAST line configuration profile part 2   n/a 9.7.50              
430 FAST line configuration profile part 3   n/a 9.7.51              
431 FAST line configuration profile part 4   n/a 9.7.52              
432 FAST channel configuration profile   n/a 9.7.53              
433 FAST data path configuration profile   n/a 9.7.54              
434 FAST vectoring line configuration extensions   n/a 9.7.55              
435 FAST line inventory and status data   n/a 9.7.56              
436 FAST line inventory and status data part 2   n/a 9.7.57              
437 FAST xTU-C performance monitoring history data   n/a 9.7.58              
438 FAST xTU-R performance monitoring history data   n/a 9.7.59              
439 OpenFlow config data   n/a 9.12.18              
440 Time Status Message                    
441 ONU3-G   n/a 9.1.15         M    
442 TWDM System Profile managed entity   n/a 9.16.1         M    
443 TWDM channel managed entity   n/a 9.16.2         M    
444 TWDM channel PHY/LODS performance monitoring history data   n/a 9.16.3              
445 TWDM channel XGEM performance monitoring history data   n/a 9.16.4              
446 TWDM channel PLOAM performance monitoring history data part 1   n/a 9.16.5              
447 TWDM channel PLOAM performance monitoring history data part 2   n/a 9.16.6              
448 TWDM channel PLOAM performance monitoring history data part 3   n/a 9.16.7              
449 TWDM channel tuning performance monitoring history data part 1   n/a 9.16.8              
450 TWDM channel tuning performance monitoring history data part 2   n/a 9.16.9              
451 TWDM channel tuning performance monitoring history data part 3   n/a 9.16.10              
452 TWDM channel OMCI performance monitoring history data   n/a 9.16.11              
350-399 Reserved for vendor-specific use                    
453-65279 Reserved for future standardization                    
65280-65535 Reserved for vendor-specific use                    

  1. G.988: ONU management and control interface (OMCI) specification  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

  2. G.984.4: Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Networks (G-PON): ONT management and control interface specification  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18

  3. Gigabit-capable passive optical networks (GPON): General characteristics 

  4. G.987: 10-Gigabit-capable passive optical network (XG-PON) systems: Definitions, abbreviations and acronyms  2

  5. G.9807.1: 10-Gigabit-capable symmetric passive optical network (XGS-PON)  2

  6. AT&T Open OMCI Specification, Edition 3.0, 6/23/17  2 3

  7. Verizon OpenOMCI Specification, Version 1.00 June 30, 2017  2 3

  8. MIB for legacy B-PON  2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18